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How can Influencers legally handle disputes with Brands?

How can influencers legally handle disputes with brands and advertisers? Learn the legal process and steps to resolve disputes with brands and advertisers in India.

Facing a legal dispute with a brand or advertiser? Discover your options for resolving disputes as an influencer in India.

As the influencer marketing industry continues to grow, disputes between influencers and brands or advertisers are becoming increasingly common. These disputes can arise for a variety of reasons, such as breach of contract, disagreement over compensation, defamation, a violation of a non-compete clause, or trademark infringement.

In India, the legal process for resolving disputes between influencers and brands or advertisers can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case. However, there are a few general steps that can be followed in order to address and resolve these disputes.

How can Influencers legally handle disputes with Brands?

Review Contract Terms

One of the first steps that an influencer should take if they are facing a dispute with a brand or advertiser is to review the terms of their contract. This will help to determine what the expectations and obligations of both parties were, and can provide insight into whether or not a breach of contract has occurred.

If the influencer believes that the brand or advertiser has breached the contract, they can contact them in writing to try and resolve the issue. This should be done in a formal and professional manner and should include specific details about how the contract was breached, as well as any relevant evidence to support the claim.


Another most common routes is mediation, which is a voluntary process where the parties come together to resolve the dispute with the help of a neutral third-party mediator. Mediation is often a faster and less costly option than going to court, and it allows the parties to maintain some control over the outcome of the dispute.


Another option available to influencers is arbitration. Similar to mediation, arbitration is a voluntary process where the parties come together to resolve the dispute with the help of a neutral third-party arbitrator. However, unlike mediation, the decision of the arbitrator is binding on the parties, and it’s difficult to appeal the decision.


If the dispute cannot be resolved through mediation or arbitration, the influencer may choose to take legal action. In India, the legal process for resolving disputes between influencers and brands or advertisers can be pursued through Civil court or consumer court.

This is typically done when the dispute involves a significant amount of money or if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute through other means. In such case, they will have to prove their claim and the court will pass the judgement.

In Civil court a case can be filed under the Contract law, while in consumer court, a case can be filed under the Consumer Protection Act. In both the cases, the party who initiates the legal process is the Plaintiff and the other party is the Defendant.

If the dispute is a breach of contract, the influencer would have to prove that a contract existed, the terms of the contract, the brand or advertiser’s breach, and the damages suffered by the influencer as a result of the breach.

In case of defamation, the influencer would have to prove that the brand or advertiser made a defamatory statement and that the statement damaged the influencer’s reputation.

It’s important to note that taking legal action can be a time-consuming and costly process, and it may be more beneficial for the influencer to try and resolve the dispute through negotiation or mediation, before turning to the courts.

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