
For Creators, Celebrities and Social Media Influencers

Influencer Marketing Laws in India | Best Legal Guide

Navigating the legal landscape of influencer marketing laws in India and staying compliant with guidelines for influencers advertising in digital media is crucial for brands, creators, and influencers alike.

Social media platforms have become increasingly popular, and a new kind of internet celebrity has emerged, so it’s no wonder brands are using bloggers, vloggers (“Creators”), celebrities, and other social media personalities (“Influencers”) to reach their target audiences more effectively.

However, this rapidly increasing industry is not without its regulations. Brands, Creators, and influencers in India must adhere to several advertising laws, regulations, and guidelines governing creators, influencers, and influencer marketing campaigns, but many are unaware of them.

In this comprehensive legal guide, we’ll provide in-depth information on the key legal frameworks that shape the influencer marketing landscape in India, along with the legal implications for creators, influencers, and brands.

Rise of Internet Celebrities: Creators & Influencers

The rise of internet celebrities, often referred to as creators or influencers, marks a significant shift in the way people consume content and engage with media. These individuals have gained fame, influence, and often considerable wealth through their online presence, leveraging platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and others to connect with audiences around the world.

Here’s an overview of the key aspects driving this phenomenon:

  1. Accessible Platforms: The proliferation of social media and content-sharing platforms has democratized fame. Anyone with an internet connection and a camera can potentially build a following and become an internet celebrity.
  2. Niche Communities: The internet allows individuals to find and connect with like-minded people who share their interests, no matter how niche. Creators can cater to specific communities, building devoted fan bases around topics ranging from beauty and gaming to DIY crafts and fitness.
  3. Authenticity and Relatability: Unlike traditional celebrities who may seem distant or unattainable, internet celebrities often cultivate a more authentic and relatable image. Many share personal stories, struggles, and everyday experiences, fostering a sense of intimacy with their audience.
  4. Content Variety: Internet celebrities produce a wide range of content, including vlogs, tutorials, product reviews, comedy sketches, and more. This diverse content appeals to different demographics and keeps audiences engaged.
  5. Monetization Opportunities: Creators can monetize their online presence through various avenues, including advertising revenue, brand partnerships, sponsored content, merchandise sales, and crowdfunding. Some platforms also offer direct monetization options, such as YouTube’s Partner Program and TikTok’s Creator Fund.
  6. Influence and Impact: Internet celebrities wield significant influence over their followers, who often look to them for recommendations, advice, and entertainment. This influence extends beyond just product endorsements, with some creators using their platforms to raise awareness about social issues or promote positive change.
  7. Global Reach: The internet transcends geographical boundaries, allowing internet celebrities to reach audiences worldwide. This global reach not only increases their potential fan base but also opens up opportunities for collaboration and expansion into new markets.
  8. Evolution of Fame: The concept of fame is evolving in the digital age, with internet celebrities challenging traditional notions of celebrity status. Instead of relying on mainstream media outlets for exposure, these individuals have built their careers from the ground up, often without the support of traditional gatekeepers.

Overall, the rise of internet celebrities reflects the changing landscape of media and entertainment, where anyone with talent, charisma, and determination can carve out a successful career and make a significant impact on popular culture.

The Legal Landscape of Influencer Marketing

The rapid growth of influencer marketing has prompted regulatory bodies worldwide to enact laws and guidelines aimed at ensuring fair and transparent advertising practices.

In India, the CCPA and ASCI guidelines mandate that creators and influencers disclose paid partnerships and refrain from making false claims about products or services. Violations of these regulations can lead to legal repercussions, including fines and reputational damage.

Therefore, creators and influencers need to have a thorough understanding of these laws, regulations, and guidelines and seek legal guidance to ensure compliance.

Influencer Marketing Laws in India: Regulations and Guidelines for Influencers, Creators and Brands

Creators, influencers, and brands in India are indeed subject to various influencer marketing laws and regulations. These include guidelines established by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs’s Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Additionally, the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) functions as a self-regulatory watchdog, overseeing the adherence to the ASCI Code for Self-Regulation of Advertisements.

Moreover, considerations must be made regarding contracts, agreements, intellectual property rights, and data privacy and protection laws to ensure full compliance within the realm of influencer marketing. These regulations aim to ensure transparency, honesty, and fair practices in influencer marketing campaigns.

The laws, regulations, and guidelines that primarily regulate influencer marketing and advertising in India include:

Consumer Protection Act, 2019

The Consumer Protection Act, 2019, is a landmark legislation aimed at safeguarding consumers’ rights and interests. For creators and influencers, compliance with this act means ensuring that sponsored content is transparent and does not mislead consumers. Failure to disclose paid partnerships or making false claims about products or services can result in legal repercussions.

Brands must also ensure that their influencer marketing campaigns adhere to the principles of fairness and transparency outlined in the Consumer Protection Act, as they can be held liable for deceptive advertising practices.

Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) Guidelines on Prevention of Misleading Advertisements and Endorsements for Misleading Advertisements, 2022

The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) recently issued guidelines aimed at curbing misleading advertisements and endorsements. These guidelines have significant implications for creators, influencers, and brands alike. Creators and influencers must exercise due diligence when promoting products or services, verifying the authenticity and accuracy of claims before endorsing them.

Brands must also ensure that their influencer marketing campaigns comply with CCPA guidelines to avoid penalties and legal action. Non-compliance can result in reputational damage and financial liabilities for all parties involved.

Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns, 2023

Dark patterns, deceptive design practices intended to manipulate user behavior, have come under scrutiny in India with the introduction of the “Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns, 2023.” These practices are employed by platforms, sellers, and advertisers to trick users into actions they didn’t intend or want to take. They subvert consumer decision-making processes, leading to potential violations of consumer rights, misleading advertising, and unfair trade practices.

The “Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns, 2023” provide a detailed list of dark patterns along with illustrative examples. The scope of these guidelines extends to advertisers, sellers, and platforms operating in India. From false urgency tactics to disguised advertisements, these patterns are designed to exploit consumer vulnerabilities and manipulate their actions.

For influencers and celebrities endorsing products or services, compliance with the guidelines is imperative. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in fines and penalties, including suspension of endorsement privileges. With dark patterns now under regulatory scrutiny, creators and influencers must exercise caution to avoid being implicated in deceptive advertising practices.

Advertising Standards Council of India: ASCI Guidelines

The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) Guidelines for Influencer Advertising in Digital Media, plays a pivotal role in regulating advertising content in India. ASCI’s guidelines require creators, influencers, and brands to ensure that advertisements are truthful, honest, and do not mislead consumers. Creators and influencers must disclose paid partnerships transparently, avoid making exaggerated claims, and adhere to ethical standards in advertising.

Brands engaging influencers must monitor and review sponsored content to ensure compliance with ASCI guidelines, as non-compliance can tarnish their reputation and lead to legal challenges.

Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012

The Indian Copyright Act, 2012, governs intellectual property rights, including content created by influencers. Creators must ensure that they have the necessary rights or permissions to use copyrighted material in their content.

Brands engaging influencers must respect copyright laws and obtain proper licenses for the use of copyrighted material in their marketing campaigns. Failure to do so can lead to copyright infringement claims, legal disputes, and financial penalties for creators, influencers, and brands.

Trade Marks Act, 1999

The Indian Trade Marks Act, 1999, protects trademarks and prevents unauthorized use of registered trademarks. Creators, influencers, and brands must refrain from using trademarks without permission or falsely implying association with a particular brand or product.

Any unauthorized use of trademarks can lead to legal repercussions, including trademark infringement lawsuits and damages. It is essential for all parties involved in influencer marketing collaborations to conduct thorough trademark searches and obtain proper permissions to avoid legal issues.

Contractual Agreements Laws

Contractual agreements play a crucial role in influencer marketing collaborations, outlining the rights and responsibilities of creators, influencers, and brands. These agreements govern payment terms, deliverables, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

It is essential for all parties to review and negotiate contractual agreements carefully to ensure mutual understanding and compliance with legal requirements. Failure to adhere to contractual obligations can result in legal disputes, financial losses, and damage to professional relationships.

Data Privacy and Protection Laws

In an era of increasing data privacy concerns, influencers and brands must prioritize data protection in their marketing practices. The impending enactment of the Personal Data Protection Bill will introduce comprehensive data protection regulations in India, with significant implications for creators, influencers, and brands.

Influencers must obtain consent before collecting and using personal data from their audience, while brands must handle consumer data responsibly and in compliance with applicable laws. Failure to comply with data privacy and protection laws can lead to regulatory fines, legal action, and reputational damage for all parties involved in influencer marketing campaigns.

The Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021

These rules introduced by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) govern digital media platforms, including social media. They require intermediaries to adhere to certain guidelines, which indirectly impact influencer marketing activities conducted on these platforms.

Defamation Laws

The defamation laws in India pose significant legal risks for creators and influencers, obligating them to exercise caution in their content creation and dissemination. These laws encompass both civil and criminal liabilities, potentially resulting in monetary damages or even imprisonment for disseminating false statements that harm the reputation of individuals or entities.

Creators and Influencers should be mindful of the potential legal risks associated with publishing content that could be defamatory or libelous. It’s important for creators and influencers to exercise caution when discussing sensitive topics or making controversial statements online that could lead to legal repercussions.

The Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021,

The Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021, introduced by the Central Government, signify a pivotal development in the regulation of India’s direct selling industry. The rules outline stringent duties and obligations for both direct selling entities and individual sellers to safeguard consumer interests, imposing liability on entities for grievances arising from sales by their direct sellers.

In parallel, the rules bear legal implications for creators and influencers engaged in influencer marketing within the direct selling space. Influencers, by virtue of promoting products or services of direct selling entities, must ensure compliance with the Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021, as well as relevant consumer protection laws and regulations. Failure to adhere to these regulations may expose influencers to legal liabilities, including fines, penalties, or legal action for misleading representations or fraudulent activities.

Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020

The Indian Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020 aim to regulate online transactions and safeguard consumer interests within the digital marketplace. While primarily targeting e-commerce platforms, these regulations significantly impact creators and influencers involved in influencer marketing. Key provisions mandate transparency, requiring influencers to openly disclose any commercial relationships with brands they promote.

Failure to disclose such connections may lead to legal repercussions, including fines. Additionally, influencers must ensure the accuracy of their promotional content to avoid misleading consumers, as the rules prohibit deceptive advertisements, encompassing those on e-commerce platforms. Liability for defective products endorsed by influencers is also addressed, requiring diligence in product vetting to mitigate legal risks.

Legal Challenges for Creators and Influencers in Influencer Marketing

As the influencer marketing industry grows, creators, influencers and brands face a growing number of legal challenges. From navigating disclosure requirements to safeguarding intellectual property rights, the landscape of influencer marketing is fraught with complexities that demand careful consideration and adherence to regulatory frameworks.

Understanding and addressing legal challenges for creators, influencers and brands becomes paramount to maintain transparency, protect consumer interests, and foster sustainable partnerships.

Creators and influencers face a variety of legal challenges, including:

  1. Advertising Standards and Disclosure Requirements: Many jurisdictions have specific regulations regarding advertising and sponsored content. Creators and influencers must disclose paid partnerships and sponsored content clearly to their audience to maintain transparency and comply with advertising standards.
  2. Intellectual Property Rights: Issues such as copyright infringement, trademark infringement, and misappropriation of intellectual property rights can arise when using third-party content without proper authorization. Creators must ensure they have the necessary permissions to use copyrighted material in their content.
  3. Contractual Obligations: Creators often enter into contracts with brands or agencies for sponsored content. Understanding and negotiating contractual terms, including payment terms, exclusivity clauses, and content usage rights, is crucial to avoid legal disputes.
  4. Privacy and Data Protection: Collecting and using personal data from followers or customers may subject creators to data protection and privacy laws. Creators must obtain consent and handle personal data responsibly to comply with these regulations.
  5. Endorsement and Testimonial Guidelines: Regulatory bodies such as the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) and the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) in India have guidelines governing endorsements and testimonials in advertising. Creators must ensure that their endorsements are truthful and not misleading, and they must disclose any material connections with the brands they promote.
  6. Content Moderation and Community Guidelines: Platforms often have their own community guidelines and content policies that creators must adhere to. Violating these guidelines can result in content takedowns, account suspensions, or other penalties.
  7. Tax Compliance: Creators must understand their tax obligations, including income tax and sales tax, and ensure they are properly reporting and paying taxes on their earnings from influencer marketing activities.
  8. Liability Issues: Creators may be held liable for any harmful or defamatory content they publish. It’s essential for creators to understand the potential legal consequences of their content and take measures to mitigate risks.

Legal Risks for Creators and Social Media Influencers

Legal risk refers to the potential for adverse legal consequences resulting from business activities, decisions, or external factors. In the context of influencer marketing, legal risks can arise from various sources, including compliance failures, contractual obligations, litigation exposure, and regulatory changes.

Creators and influencers face a variety of legal risks, including:

  1. Compliance Failures: Non-compliance with laws, regulations, or industry standards poses significant legal risks to creators and influencers. Whether it’s failing to disclose sponsored content or making false claims about products or services, violations of legal requirements can lead to fines, penalties, lawsuits, and damage to reputation.
  2. Contractual Obligations: Creators and influencers often enter into contractual agreements with brands and agencies, which impose obligations, liabilities, and potential liabilities on parties. Failure to fulfill contractual obligations or breach of contract can expose creators and influencers to legal claims and disputes, resulting in financial losses and damage to relationships.
  3. Litigation Exposure: Creators and influencers face legal risks associated with potential lawsuits, legal disputes, and litigation expenses. From allegations of negligence to product liability claims, litigation exposure can have serious consequences for creators and influencers, requiring robust risk management strategies to mitigate potential liabilities.
  4. Regulatory Changes: Changes in laws, regulations, or government policies can create legal risks for creators and influencers, necessitating adaptation, compliance measures, and potential regulatory challenges. Keeping abreast of regulatory developments and proactively addressing compliance requirements is essential to avoid legal pitfalls in influencer marketing.

Key Legal Considerations for Creators and Influencers

As a creator or social media influencer, understanding and mitigating legal risks is essential to safeguard your reputation, finances, and professional relationships.

Here are some key legal considerations for creators and influencers to keep in mind:

  1. Due Diligence and Disclosure: Creators and influencers are legally responsible for the claims they make in their posts. It’s crucial to conduct due diligence on products or services before endorsing them and provide evidence to support any claims made. Additionally, transparently disclosing material connections, such as revenue sharing with brands, is essential to maintain trust and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  2. Contractual Protections: Having a solid contract in place with brands and agencies can help protect creators and influencers against legal liabilities. Contracts should clearly outline the scope of work, payment terms, deliverables, intellectual property rights, and indemnification provisions to mitigate risks and disputes effectively.
  3. Risk Management Strategies: Implementing robust risk management strategies is critical for creators and influencers to identify, assess, and mitigate legal risks proactively. This may include establishing internal compliance protocols, seeking legal advice when necessary, and staying informed about industry best practices and regulatory developments.
  4. Continuous Education and Adaptation: In the dynamic landscape of influencer marketing, continuous education and adaptation are key to staying ahead of legal risks. Creators and influencers should invest in ongoing training and professional development to stay abreast of changes in laws, regulations, and industry standards, ensuring compliance and mitigating legal liabilities effectively.

Can Creators and Influencers Be Held Accountable for Post Claims?

The influencers encourage the audience to click on links to purchase and watch videos where they summarize the good and the bad of a particular product or service. Whether creators and influencers can be liable for product claims or statements often arises.

The short answer is “yes” – the creators and influencers can be liable for the claims, so it is important that you have a solid contract in place with the brand to insulate yourself from liability. Being a Creator or influencer may be more liable for the role in marketing products and services.

A social media influencer who has the power to affect the purchase decisions of others can be sued for misleading, scam, or trademark infringement in connection with the endorsed products or services.

The Role of Influencer Marketing Lawyers

Influencer marketing lawyers play a pivotal role in providing strategic legal counsel to creators, influencers, brands, and agencies involved in influencer marketing campaigns. These legal professionals specialize in navigating the intricacies of influencer marketing laws and regulations, ensuring that clients adhere to legal requirements while maximizing the potential of marketing opportunities.

From drafting and reviewing contracts to advising on content compliance with CCPA and ASCI guidelines, influencer marketing lawyers offer comprehensive support to mitigate legal risks and protect the interests of their clients.

How Influencer Marketing Lawyers Can Help Creators, Influencers and Brands

The legal complexities surrounding influencer marketing require careful navigation to avoid potential legal pitfalls. Influencer marketing lawyers play an indispensable role in providing strategic legal counsel, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, and protecting the interests of creators, influencers, brands, and agencies.

  1. Contract Drafting and Review: Influencer marketing lawyers assist clients in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating contracts and agreements to protect their best interests. They ensure that contractual obligations are clearly defined and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.
  2. Compliance with CCPA and ASCI Guidelines: Influencer marketing lawyers advise clients on adhering to CCPA and ASCI guidelines when promoting brands on social media. They review content before publication, ensure proper labeling according to guidelines, and advise on rectification processes in case of issues.
  3. Intellectual Property Protection: Influencer marketing lawyers help creators and influencers safeguard their intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, and publicity rights. They provide legal assistance in protecting original content and resolving disputes related to intellectual property infringement.
  4. Regulatory Advisory and Dispute Resolution: Influencer marketing lawyers offer regulatory advisory services, guiding clients through the complex regulatory landscape of influencer marketing. In case of disputes between creators, influencers, brands, or agencies, they provide expert legal representation and facilitate resolution through negotiation or litigation.

Why Invest in Legal Counsel?

Investing in the services of an influencer marketing lawyer is a critical decision for creators, influencers, brands, and agencies involved in influencer marketing campaigns. Legal counsel helps mitigate risks, ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and protect the integrity and success of marketing endeavors.

By partnering with experienced influencer marketing lawyers, creators, influencers and brands can navigate legal complexities with confidence, focus on their creative endeavors, and build long-term, mutually beneficial relationships in the competitive world of social media influencer marketing.


Influencer marketing offers creators and social media influencers unprecedented opportunities to engage with audiences, build brands, and drive business results. However, navigating the legal risks inherent in influencer marketing requires diligence, foresight, and a proactive approach to compliance and risk management.

By understanding the legal landscape, implementing best practices, and seeking appropriate guidance from influencer marketing lawyers, when needed, creators, influencers and brands can mitigate legal risks effectively, safeguard their interests, and thrive in the dynamic world of influencer marketing.

A tailored legal strategy to protect your images, content, and trademarks is essential for brands, creators, and influencers.

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